The seed round was led by Mercuri and Sure Valley Ventures, with participation from Oxford Capital, Baltic Ventures and other angel investors.
Leveraging computer vision models, Ittybit empowers developers to filter unsafe uploads, enhance content searchability, and automate tagging and transcription processes.
Its AI-based compression tool ensures faster downloads and reduced storage costs without compromising visual quality.
Paul Williams, founder of Ittybit, said: “Ittybit was created to address the pain we felt handling large videos in our previous companies. We built the media tools we wished we’d had access to, and are making them available to all developers, because robust media workflows shouldn’t be so expensive or complicated that only the largest tech companies can access them.
“We knew we could raise capital, but it was important to bring investors onboard who can also provide commercial and operational expertise. Mercuri’s extensive media industry connections and investments in leading AI companies, plus Sure Valley Ventures’ specialist focus on AI aligns perfectly with our vision for the company. We have an ambitious mission and their support will help us get there much faster.”
Paul Williams is a repeat founder who brings 20 years of experience in video production with notable companies such as EA Sports, adidas, and Nike. The wider team has worked on video encoding and delivery across the BBC, Channel 4 and Hulu.